Open Enrollment: Answers to your Top 5 Questions

Happy Open Enrollment Day! November 1st marks the start of the forth open enrollment period for President Obama’s Health Insurance Marketplaces. That means from today until January 31st, an estimated 10 million Americans who had coverage in 2016 will be able to renew their health plans online and an additionally 3.5 million Americans that still…

The Tale of Two Healthcare Reforms

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it…

Preview: Tonight’s VP Healthcare Debate

Healthcare was barely mentioned during the ninety minute Presidential debate between Secretary Hillary Clinton and Real Estate mogul, Donald Trump back on September 26th. Both campaigns have a chance to redeem themselves with tonight’s first and only Vice Presidential debate that will be held tonight at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. Mike Pence is the…

Preview: Tonight’s Clinton/Trump Healthcare Debate

Tonight, we will witness the much anticipated Presidential debate being held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, between two longstanding New York powerhouses: Secretary Hillary Clinton and Real Estate mogul, Donald Trump.  We should hope there is time for the candidates to clearly outline their healthcare policies and proposals. Why Healthcare? Healthcare will represent…

Kasich: When Republicans Defend Gov’t Spending

Out of the six remaining major Republican candidates for President, only two remain that can claim “Executive Experience”; former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida and Governor John Kasich of Ohio. On Saturday, February 13th the two Governors squared off during the Republican debate, tackling questions around expanding Medicaid programs while maintaining conservative values. Jeb’s Replacement Plan Jeb Bush…

2016 Open Enrollment – 1 Week Left!

Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace will end on January 31st. That means there are only 7 more days to choose a health plan and enroll if you: Make too much money for Medicaid (approximately $16,000/yr). Are 64 years old or younger and cannot enroll in Medicare. Are not getting health insurance coverage from…

The Curious Case of Hialeah

January 2016 marks the 3rd year of the Health Insurance Marketplaces, a key provision of the Affordable Care Act designed to help millions of Americans buy affordable, quality healthcare. In those three years, enrollment has grown to well over 12 million people. Thus far, 3 million new Americans enrolled in 2016. 35% of those enrolled…